Your Single, EP or Album could be rejected for many reasons. We have strict standard and quality policies to ensure we maintain a strong partnership with the major streaming platforms...
...Our partnerships are valuable and we want to ensure that what we deliver to streaming platforms, gives our artists the best opportunity for success while adhering to the standards of our partners. We therefore, reject tracks when those standards either need improvement or perfecting. Below is a full list of rejection reasons, feel free to take a look at what they mean and what you have to do in order to re-submit.
- Display artist is not matching the main artist field.
Please ensure the Main Artist field matches the Display Artist field. Please update and resubmit.
- Composer & Lyricist fields must contain legal names, not artist names.
Lyricist and Composer fields need to have legal names entered, not artist/band name. Please update and resubmit.
- Lyricist Missing.
Songs with vocals must provide at least one lyricist. Please assign a lyricist in Artist & Collaborators and resubmit.
- Song is instrumental but a language has been selected.
If the song has no lyrics, please select instrumental for language and re-submit.
- Display artist is not matching artist field.
The Display Artist field must be in line with the data provided. To ensure your artist(s) appear exactly as you want across platforms, please ensure this is filled in. If you have multiple artists, please use this field to bring them together.
- Featured artist field is missing.
The Featured Artist field is empty. Please assign a featured artist to match the data provided for Display artist and resubmit.
- Display artist field and featured artist field are the same.
If there is only one artist, please ensure the Display artist name is not duplicated in the Featured artist field.
- Producer missing.
The Producer field is empty. Please assign a producer to match the data provided shown on artwork and resubmit.
- Producer field is not matching the artwork.
The Producer field does not match the producer(s) shown on artwork. Please update the Producer field or artwork and resubmit.
- Same name duplicated within the same field.
Please ensure there are no duplicated names within the same field.
- Language does not match the song.
Language listed does not match the main language used in the song. Please update this information and resubmit.
- Display Artist not matching artwork.
The Display artist does not match the artist(s) shown on artwork. Please update the display artist or artwork and resubmit.
- Song title contains extra information.
Song titles should contain the song title only. Please remove any reference to song version, artists, producers and resubmit for successful distribution.
- Song title is in all capitals.
Song titles in all capitals are not accepted by our providers. Please update and resubmit.
- Special characters in the song title.
Some of the special characters in the song title are not accepted by providers. Please amend your title and resubmit.
- Song title does not match the title shown on the artwork.
Title on the artwork doesn't exactly match the information in the data provided. Please amend your title or artwork and resubmit.
- Track number in title.
Song titles should not contain track numbers. Please remove these from your song title and resubmit.
- Audio Quality is not acceptable.
Audio quality is not acceptable. Please ensure your track is mastered and of industry standard before resubmitting.
- Audio is shorter than 30 seconds.
Providers do not accept songs 30 seconds or shorter.
- Audio is longer than 6 minutes.
Providers do not accept songs longer than 6 minutes.
- Audio Intro has more than 3 seconds of silence.
We recommend no longer than 3 seconds of silence for the beginning of the track.
- Audio has too much silence for the end of the track.
We recommend no longer than 5-10 seconds of silence for the end of the track.
- Audio Error, file could not be played.
File error, could not be played. Please re-upload and resubmit.
- Pre-Order date is the same as the release date.
Pre-Order date cannot be the same as Release Date. Please update and resubmit.
- Parental advisory logo missing.
Make sure that your artwork displays a parental advisory logo in line with the data provided. You will need to update your artwork and resubmit the track.
- Border round artwork.
There should be no border round artwork. Please upload new artwork and resubmit.
- Line/border on side of Artwork.
There should be no border/line on side of artwork. Please upload new artwork and resubmit.
- Additional Logo/Text on artwork.
Additional logo and/or text on artwork are not accepted. Please update artwork and resubmit.
- Blank Artwork.
Blank artwork not accepted. Please update your artwork and resubmit.
- Artwork is not high quality enough.
Artwork is not high quality for our streaming partners. Please upload new artwork or improve the current artwork and resubmit.
- URL on Artwork.
Additional URL link on the artwork. Please upload new artwork without the additional URL link and resubmit.
- Barcode on Artwork.
Barcode on artwork is not accepted. Please update the artwork by removing the barcode and resubmit.
- Derogatory Artwork.
Artwork suggest explicit content and does not display a parental advisory stamp.
- Parental Advisory Logo doesn’t match with data.
Artwork must be in line with the data provided. Please update the parental advisory field or artwork to ensure they match and resubmit.
- Text on artwork doesn’t match with data.
Text on the artwork doesn't exactly match the information in the data provided. Please amend your data or artwork and resubmit.
- Duplicate Artwork.
Duplicate artwork, please ensure each song has different artwork and resubmit.
- Account is missing a subscription payment.
We are unable to review and accept submissions unless an account is activated with valid card details, in the billing section of your account. If your subscription payments are not up to date, we will be unable to proceed with the submission.
- Account is cancelled or inactive please restore.
Account is cancelled. We are unable to review and accept submissions unless an account is activated. To do this, please click on ‘Restore account’ if you’d like to restore your account. Please contact if you are struggling to access your account.
- Multiple submissions of the same song.
This song has been submitted multiple times. Please ensure you do not submit any duplicates.
Please note: Tracks rejected for Distribution will need amendments before re-submitting. Please ensure you have made these changes and before proceeding.