Do you distribute Dolby Atmos releases?

Yes, we do!

1. Assign a UPC and ISRCs to the stereo version of your release.
2.  Assign a different UPC and different ISRCs to the Atmos version of your release.

  • All other metadata for the stereo and Atmos versions must be identical.
3. Import both the stereo and Atmos releases at CI, following the standard import process.
  • Use the same artwork file for both the stereo and Atmos releases.

Inform about the import, asking us to link the two releases together.


If your Dolby Atmos release is new, and there is no standard stereo version of the audio, the process is much simpler: You can just import the Dolby Atmos release, and email us asking to export the Dolby format to Apple Music.

The Apple system will automatically “downmix” the Atmos audio to stereo for those consumers who wish to listen in the stereo format.