I have duplicated tracks, what do I do?

Certain repeated actions, like using the 'sync songs' function within your account can cause a duplication of your tracks within the 'My Music' section of your account...But don't panic!

This is easily fixed within your account. Simply follow the steps below to remove the duplications within your account.

  1. Navigate to the 'My Music' section of your account. 
  2. At the top right of your screen, you will see a button that allows you to 'sort' the tracks in your library. Please select 'A-Z' and this will arrange your tracks alphabetically, grouping the duplicated tracks together. 
  3. Then, simply select the tracks you wish to delete, by navigating to the menu (three dots to the right of the track) and select 'Remove song from...' 
  4. This will show a pop up message asking you to clarify the deletion by entering the word delete. The warning text shown, is in reference to that specific audio file only. It will not effect the corresponding track within your library. 
  5. Once confirmed, the duplicated track will be removed from your library. 
Important to note before selecting your track for deletion: 

How do you know which track is the original and which track is the original?
Typically the duplicated track will be the one without an Artist Name, or Green Tick against any of the service status columns. The duplicated track will tend to not have the analytics option next to the menu of the track also. 

What if the duplicates do have the above information and they appear 'identical'? 
If this is the case, then it doesn't really matter which one you delete, it's just important that the one presenting with the most information is kept.