Why can’t I find my music?

Using our Import tool to transfer your songs in your Music Gateway account is designed to make things easier for those artists our search can find. We search for artists every day across 18 million playlists and hundreds of thousands of curators on all major streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music and Youtube. We also check against tens of thousands of charts in over 200 markets as well as monitoring over 2,000 radio stations in 83 countries. Whilst the chances of us picking up an artist with released music are very high, on the odd occasion, they can fall outside of our reach. Unfortunately, if you’re unable to find your music using this method, you’ll need to manually upload your details.

We will be introducing a new feature soon that allows you to search by your Spotify Artist account, but until then, we can only continue to try and find you by using our current methods.

If you would like to increase your exposure across these platforms and playlists, you're welcome to speak with one of our A&R team who can deliver tailored plans for promotion based on your needs. Simply fill out this form and they will be in touch.